SECSASEW: Second Saturday SEWcial
Second Saturday SEWcial Hours - Come finish your projects with us!
Cost: $ 5.00
Second Saturday SEWcial Hours - Come finish your projects with us!
Cost: $ 5.00
VRPCLUB: VR Pattern of the Month Club
Come join us at The Sewcial Box and embark on a quilting journey with a different Villa Rosa pattern each month. Designed for even the most novice quilter, we will work on a pattern from beginning to end. Projects vary from month-to-month! It's an opportunity to hone those piecing & binding skills, make new friends, and best of all... CREATE!
Cost: $ 35.00
Come join us at The Sewcial Box and embark on a quilting journey with a different Villa Rosa pattern each month. Designed for even the most novice quilter, we will work on a pattern from beginning to end. Projects vary from month-to-month! It's an opportunity to hone those piecing & binding skills, make new friends, and best of all... CREATE!
Cost: $ 35.00